AP ~ Router: Asus RT-N16 Firmware: DD-WRT v3.0-r34777 big Kernel: 3.10.108 Status: Functions Reset: Yes Errors: Loss of WiFi. Client ~ Router: Asus RT-N16 Firmware: DD-WRT v3.0-r34777 big Kernel: 3.10.108 Status: Functions Reset: Yes Errors: Disconnects I use to run August build of V3 on this router. It had connectivity problems back then.
为RT-N16刷DD-WRT系统_yangshen998-CSDN博 … 2013-12-18 · RT-N16就是传说中的华硕最高端的一款路由器了,国内得一千多块,国外也就7、8百吧(又是一个比别人挣的少,成本比别人高的例子)。DD-WRT是一种可用于某些无线路由器的非商业的第三方 … DD-WRT About. DD-WRT is a Linux based alternative OpenSource firmware suitable for a great variety of WLAN routers and embedded systems. The main emphasis lies on providing the easiest possible handling while at the same time supporting a great number of functionalities within the framework of the respective hardware platform used.
I have an old rt-n16 that has Tomato RAF 1.28 on it. I'd like to flash to dd-wrt and use either ‘Repeater’ or ‘Repeater Bridge’ feature. It is safe to just use the tomato GUI to flash the latest dd-wrt firmware? from the download page, this is the latest DD-WRT: Factory flash dd-wrt.v24-40559_NEWD-2_K3.x-big-RT-N16.trx 2019-08-06 26,77 MB
A patch still needs to be made for this but it is not worked on as of yet. Until then, you can either use the methods below, or use the DD-WRT file for initial flashing and then flash OpenWrt through the DD-WRT web interface. The page at wl500gp has detailed backup, flash, & recovery information which should largely apply to the RT-N16 as well. 华硕RT-N16刷TOMATO_网络设备评测试用_太平洋 … 华硕顶级无线路由RT-N16升级第三方固件方法(点击小图放大) 在“NAS”选项中,我们可以让RT-N16变成一台FTP服务器、通过远程客户端来给本地网络上传下载文件。或者外挂BT脚本后让路由器脱机下载电影。 华硕顶级无线路由RT-N16升级第三方固件方法(点击小图放大) 华硕RT-N16刷DD-WRT_网络设备评测试用_太平洋 …
Dec 21, 2014 · This very lengthy Step-by-Step tutorial is for flashing your Asus RT-N12 D1 with DD-WRT. The RT-N12 D1 is much different for installing DD-WRT than its predecessors, the B1 and C1. Also keep in mind that DD-WRT is NOT officially supported on the Asus RT-N12 D1 so your mileage may vary.The process took me countless hours to figure out. Make sure you complete ALL the steps, otherwise things won
华硕RT-N16刷TOMATO_网络设备评测试用_太平洋 … 华硕顶级无线路由RT-N16升级第三方固件方法(点击小图放大) 在“NAS”选项中,我们可以让RT-N16变成一台FTP服务器、通过远程客户端来给本地网络上传下载文件。或者外挂BT脚本后让路由器脱机下载电影。 华硕顶级无线路由RT-N16升级第三方固件方法(点击小图放大)