BBC iPlayer not Working with VPN? Here's how to fix it

iOS 13 and iOS 14 News app is now more peaceful because it’s supported in Official System-wide Dark mode. we have a great tutorial on how to enable dark mode on iPhone and iPad.Also find some troubleshooting tips on Apple News App Not working and Facing issues on subscribing/ Cancel Apple New+ Subscription, Read or Helpful News App custom settings. Microsoft News App Not Working - Microsoft Community Jul 12, 2018 BBC News - Your guide to the BBC News iPhone application Why isn't the video working in my BBC News iPhone app? If the video doesn't play, first check you have an active internet connection. You must be online to watch video. Secondly, try refreshing the app by pulling down with your finger on the app main screen which activates the refresh controls. Why no live BBC Channels on Sky Go/Sky Q Apps? — Digital Spy The Sky statement continued: "On Sky Q, for example, they will not allow us to promote their shows on our home page. And on the SkyGo and Sky Q mobile app, the BBC has refused to grant Sky the rights to show any content whatsoever.

BBC iPlayer not working with VPN on FireStick? There's an

If the BBC iPlayer app is not working it could be on a number of platforms with popular choices being iPad, Android, Smart TVs and FreeSat, but there’s hundreds more options available. Troubleshooting problems on a mobile or tablet - BBC Send us over as much information as possible including: The type of device you're using (e.g. iPad Pro, Samsung S8) Your device's operating system version (e.g. iOS 11.2, Android 6 - have a look at the Check you're using the latest The version of the BBC iPlayer app you’re using (go to Settings


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